Euworkers is a great way to get a foot in the door at a company or to build your resume, while pursuing other career goals. It can also be a flexible option for workers with specific needs or circumstances, such as working parents, people seeking to add variety to their careers, and those facing financial challenges. But before taking on temp work, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons.
Pros: High flexibility
Temporal staffing solutions allow businesses to quickly respond to a shift in workload, which may be a result of seasonal or project-based fluctuations. They can help a business stay on top of productivity without over-staffing or requiring the extra costs of benefits and other employee-related expenses. They also provide a means of trying out new employees before making them permanent hires.
Cons: Lack of stability
Temporary employees are not guaranteed a job for any particular length of time, and some feel that they’re seen as disposable and less engrained in their workplace community because of it. This can be especially challenging for those who want a more stable, long-term role.
Additionally, the nature of temporary hiring can create tension between a company and its temps, particularly when it comes to scheduling. Depending on the arrangement, temps can be guaranteed a certain number of hours and may not be available for other assignments. The solution: Discuss the expectations with temps from the beginning, to avoid miscommunications and potential tension.